“One of the first duties of the physician
is to educate the masses
not to take medicines.”
- Sir William Osler (1849-1919)
Father of Modern Medicine
Health is natural, disease is earned.
Your journey to a vibrant health begins here.
You can drop any disease, if YOU are ready !
Health is a state where each human body cell is in sync with other cells. Illness is when this communication breaks down.
Indique Wellness is a health and wellness institution using .Mind Body Medicine and New Age Therapies for reversing diabetes, hypertension, obesity, migraine, IBS, acid reflux, constipation, PCOD, thyroid, asthma, kidney and liver conditions, a host of auto-immune diseases, depression, drug addiction and other addictions etc. forever. We treat and cure a host of metabolic, lifestyle, genetic, psychosomatic and psychological diseases.
The Basic Objective
The basic objective of the Indique Wellness is to take one to a condition of enduring health, where one is completely free from drugs, diseases and distress, forever. Though keeping in mind the health scenario existing today, it seems as an impossible task. when diseases, drugs, pandemics and untimely deaths have become a new normal, it's very difficult to think about perpetual health, forget about trusting the concept. But we assure you, it's very much possible!
Food, thought and lifestyle are the three basic ingredients of Illness or wellness. Here, the emphasis is on to transform one's physical and mental status from the state of illness to the state of total wellness, that too, forever. The basic approach is to ensure the total wellbeing which is reflected through the vibrant health and high energy and enthusiasm level.
But why most of the Diseases have become Incurable?
Gentlemen, I have a confession to make. Half of what we have taught you is in error, and furthermore we cannot tell you which half it is. - Sir William Osler
Unfortunately, under the today's popular medicine system, most of the diseases common man is suffering from the world-over, have been declared as incurable. Surprisingly, even if the diseases are declared incurable, the treatment/medication is not refused, rather it is continued for the entire life, till the death of the patient.
Declaring a large number of diseases as incurable is sheer underestimation of the most potent healing and restoration mechanism of the human body and is an act of disgracing it, too.
The lifelong medication and treatment till death has become a norm these days in case of most of the diseases. Though, this lifelong treatment and lifelong medication system is highly beneficial for the medical industry and pharma-industry, it becomes an ordeal and nightmarish for a common, unaware and innocent man. In the name of treatment, a patient is milked till the last penny left in his pocket and till the last breath s/he takes.
The lobbies promoting and safeguarding the vested interests of the medical industry and pharma-industry have, over the time, become so powerful and so influential that it crushes any opposition to it ruthlessly. Even many powerful governments world over have, knowingly or unknowingly, fallen into the trap of pharma-industry lobbies. They have mischievously coined the name pseudo-science for the non-allopathic systems of treatment, just to denigrate them.
The Allopathy Vs Other Health Sciences
These lobbies are dominating and dictating their terms to the health arena globally. They have become so audacious that they declare every other health sciences, popular through centuries, either a pseudo-science or redundant or ineffective. They mock them, ridicule them and try their level best to demean and disgrace such highly efficient, holistic, respectable and age old health sciences.
Moreover, gullible common man is made confused in the name of curable diseases, incurable diseases, the diseases which can be reversed or the diseases for which remission is possible, etc. Remember one thumb rule - if the body can create a disease, it can eliminate it too, provided, it is supported to do so by just eliminating the causes of the disease. But, their jargons are more confusing than convincing.
More surprisingly, more than 90% of the diseases common man is suffering from has been declared incurable, where lifelong treatment is recommended! Are they really interested to cure you or just pushing the vested interests of pharma industry? An international level, completely independent and thorough investigation is required to ascertain the motive behind such unfounded pronouncements.
What we offer at the Indique Wellness ?
But Indique Wellness doesn't stop at discussing the problems only, we offer credible & conclusive solution to the suffering humanity from many so called incurable diseases.
At Indique Wellness, we ensure complete freedom from a host of so-called incurable diseases which includes metabolic diseases, lifestyle diseases, chronic ailments, mental / psychological disorders and even genetic diseases. Treatment here is never a lifelong process, as in most of the cases, a patient gets complete freedom from her/his ailments, forever, during a pre-informed timespan when s/he joins our various transformational programs.
We need a new non-linear, holistic, dynamic, scientific base for future medical research. - Dr BM Hegde
As we are aware, under today's popular medicine system, the synthetic and chemical based medicines are used, which have one or more side effects which could be from milder to major ones. Ironically, in many cases, the treatment of one disease leads to the onset of the other diseases, without curing the first disease for which treatment started. Patients consider it as normal or they accept it as their fate. But under the Mind Body Medicine system and New Age Therapies followed at the Indique Wellness, no such harmful medicines are ever used.
Barring a few rarest of the rare cases, the frequent use of word "incurable" for most of the common diseases is ill-conceived, mischievous, and indicates loads of vested interests. Declaring the most of the diseases incurable helps the pharma-industry in a big way, and this industry is hand in glove with the entire medical industry, world over.
Boosting the Inherent Healing & Restoration Mechanism of Human Body
At Indique Wellness, we firmly believe that if a human body can create a disease, it can eliminate it too, provided, it is allowed to do so. Body begins to eliminates its diseases when a conducive ambience is provided to our body and its internal mechanism is activated and strengthened through various means and mechanisms.
You must be aware of and realise the bigger TRUTH that our entire body was created from a single cell in our mother's womb by an intelligence, a creative power, a supreme mechanism. The same intelligence, the same creative power, the same mechanism is still operating inside us to run and maintain our body and its various complex functionalities. This creative power is highly capable of repairing and restoring itself in case of some aberrations, called diseases.
We want you to stop for a moment and just ponder upon the fact that if a creative power which can create our entire body of such a complex mechanism with the highest degree of precision and perfection, from just a single cell in our mothers womb, and run it and maintain it till today, can it not repair and restore itself in case of certain anomalies, aberrations or derangements called diseases? Yes, it can. It hardly needs the local mechanics, with a load of harmful chemicals, injections, vaccines, scissors, blades, scalpels etc. in their hands!
The Mind Body Medicine & New Age Therapies
At Indique wellness, we acknowledge, revive, recharge and reinforce this omnipotent creative power to treat and cure a large number of ailments effortlessly, effectively and conclusively. For the purpose we use a set of unconventional yet highly effective treatment modalities including a host of New Age Therapies.
And remember, for this omnipotent creative power, no area of our body is unknown, nothing is irreparable and no disease is incurable. We just need to stop damaging it and start reviving and recharging it. Our body and its inherent intelligence takes care of the rest, because our body has got a knack, an inherent power to return to normalcy.
Though it is definitely not possible through bombarding an ill and weak body with synthetic chemicals (in the name of modern medicines) radioactive materials, harmful radiations and with unwanted surgeries, as done in the popular medical system of today. It only harms rather than helping the suffering person.
Our body craves to remain healthy
Even in diseased or ailing condition, our body is craving to return to health. It should be supported in it's effort to return to health and normalcy and shouldn't be attacked by harmful chemicals which have loads of side effects. These chemicals damage the inherent healing and restoration mechanism of the ailing human body. But the Mind Body Medicine combined with the New Age Therapies helps the recuperating body to regain its vitality and vibrant health.
We help you tread through Illness to Wellness
(in a drug free, chemical-free, non-invasive way)
The concept of treatment and the methodology followed at Indique Wellness is quite different. We guide you to the path of wellness through a chemical-free non-invasive way. We use a host of time tested modalities under New Age Therapies and Mind Body Medicine system. Apart from the various modalities of treatment, we also use human mind as a very potent tool to cure a large number of physical and mental conditions. Our system is highly effective in reversing/curing a good number of even the so called incurable diseases.
“The art of medicine consists in
amusing the patient
while nature cures the disease.”
making you completely free from Diabetes (Type-I & Type II), Kidney Diseases & Cancer and a host of other metabolic & psycho-somatic diseases.
Nature has provided a robust repair mechanism inside the human system which has been weakened by our food, thought & modern life style
Diabetes (Type-I & II)
Hypertension (High BP)
Auto Immune Diseases
Chronic Acidity
Acid Reflux
Drug Addiction
Other Addictions
Body ache
Knee Joint Pain & Sciatica Pain
Kidney Issues
Liver diseases
and more....
Body Mind Medicine & New Age Therapies which includes -
Nature Care Processes
Selective Ayurvedic modalities (Juice Cleansing etc)
Total Detoxification
Energy Healing
Nutritional Therapy (The science of Nutrition, Diet Plans & more)
Hypnotherapy (Hypnosis)
Past Life Regression Therapy (PRT)
Mind Medicines Programming Mind for Therapy
Mind Gym & Mind Yoga
Mindfulness, Guided Meditations & Various other Meditative Techniques,
Meridian Therapy
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Ozone Therapy
Deep Heat Therapy
Vibroacoustic Therapy / Nada Yoga
Auricular Therapy
Balneotherapy / Aquatic Therapy
Restorative Yoga, Power Yoga & Kundalini Yoga
Power Breathing Techniques as Curative Therapy
Marma Chikitsa
Sujok Therapy
and more...
All these modalities are used selectively or as a package, as per the requirement of the existing medical condition of the patient.